
A relationship to reclaim how you’re experiencing miracles of life.

Learn more about how a 40 day sadhana or deep nature therapy can help you rediscover your heart’s truth. Hear my story here & for 1x1 sessions find me here.




  • Discerning truth is the foundation. Let me help you rediscover freedom by meeting fear with love and live fully in the flow of life.

What do “you” do in sadahana?

We will go into your path, motivations, relationships and life lessons to hear the story of how you think you got here. But then we will go into 40 days of sacred practices unique to your journey to let go of these stories of the mind and listen to the truth in your own heart.

What I do is help you find purpose and fall back in love with living. We do this through deep listening to your heart’s intention that creates your 40 day program called a sadhana. Sadhana practice with clear intention of the heart will start to recalibrate your life for you. Your job is to do the practice with an open heart and stay out of the way of the universe. “You” aren’t going to do this. Trust.

A sadhana is a Sanskrit word that means “the way of attainment.” It’s your daily practice to transcend your ego (your mind), clean your connection to your heart and attune and make tangible steps to living in line with true purpose. This is spiritually secular which means its sacred - to you - for you. This is not the worry of any practice or lineage other than what you find within your own heart. Many false beliefs will start to fall away naturally after you start.

Finding true purpose is known as your dharma, which can also be referred to as your “dharmic path.” This sadhana can be inclusive of aspects of diet, a balanced schedule, breath work, meditation, music, service, art and nature therapy. It will be uniquely co-created between us by you.

You don’t need to believe anything for sadhana to work. The goal is stop to believing and to start to having your own direct experiences of something at work far greater than yourself. You don’t need to believe in breathing. You experience it directly and don’t argue about whether it happens. It happens with or without your story about it. So too can be the rest of life when you open to the truth of what’s there. Make sense?

I work with you virtually, in-person and most importantly in the truth of nature.

my method

  • Intention

    Start by deeply asking what you’re really here to do. How can you help? How do you know?

  • Listen

    Learn to listen beyond ego. Meditation, somatic wisdom of your body and heart navigation guide you. Nature reveals truth.

  • integrate truth

    With new clarity, you’ll learn how to live in flow with dharmic alignment and harmony of the universe.

heartfelt words

thoughtful words

Hear from me.